How to Find Sales

Fill in one or more boxes

Town/Township (top left box): Click arrow to pick a town, township or the whole county (All). Click the Town/Township label below the box to see a map showing where the towns and townships are.

Map Area (top right box): Click arrow to limit your search to a Council Bluffs area. Otherwise pick All. Click the Map Area label below the box to see a map showing where the areas are.

Address (box in 2nd row):
15439 Copper finds sales of property at 15439 Copper Lane, if any
32nd finds sales of properties on 32nd Avenue and on 32nd Street
32 finds sales of properties with house numbers that begin with 32
Date Sold (left box in 3rd row):
>=1/1/98finds sales since first day of 1998
>12/31/97finds sales after 12/31/97 (same as above)
6/1/97...12/31/97 find sales between two dates
 leave blank to find sales on all dates
Total Paid (right box in 3rd row):
60000...80000 finds sales from $60,000 to $80,000
<120000 limit search to sales less than $120,000
120000 only show sales of exactly $120,000
 leave blank to find sales regardless of price
Year Built (left box in 4th row):
>=1960 finds sales of houses built in 1960 or later
<1940 finds sales of houses built before 1940
1940...1960 finds houses built between 1940 & 1960 inclusive
  leave blank to ignore year when house was built
0 finds VACANT LAND sales (no house; no year built)
Condition (right box in 4th row): Click arrow to pick condition of house; pick All to ignore condition.
NML Normal
BN Below Normal
VG Very Good
AN Above Normal
PR Poor
VP Very Poor
EX Excellent
OBSV Other condition, possibly a foundation or a salvage
Base Sq Ft (left box in 5th row): Square foot area of ground floor
600...900 finds sales of 600 to 900 sq ft houses (BASE sq ft)
400400 base sq ft houses including 20x20 1 story AND 2 story
>1000finds sales of houses covering over 1000 sq ft of area
 leave blank to ignore house's footprint
Height (right box in 5th row): Click arrow to limit search to selected story height.
1 ST 1 story
1.25 ST 1 story with attic
1.50 ST 1 and a half stories
2 ST 2 stories
2.25 ST 2 stories with attic
MH Manufactured Home
Bedrooms (left box in 6th row):
3...5finds all sales with 3 to 5 bedrooms
2finds only sales with 2 bedrooms
>1finds sales with more than 1 bedroom
 leave blank to ignore bedrooms in search
Basement (right box in 6th row): Leave as All to ignore existence of basement.
No Basementfinds only sales without a basement
Has Basementfinds sales with Full, 3/4, 1/2 or 1/4 basement
Lot Size (left box in 7th row):
ACfinds all sales with lots measured in acres
1.5...3.0finds only sales of acreages between 1.5 and 3.0 acres
0.01...0.25finds sales with lots no bigger than 1/4 acre, but big enough to measure in acres
 leave blank to ignore lot size in search
Miscellaneous (right box in 7th row): Enter DUPLEX, CONDO, TOWNHOUSE, MFD, LOG or BERM to find sales of duplexes, condos, townhouses, manufactured homes, log homes or berm homes. Otherwise leave this box empty.

Parcel number (bottom left box): Limit sales found to those with a specific parcel number.

Click on the Find button

If more than one sale is found

A list of addresses (with date sold, price, year built, condition, height & sqFt) is displayed.
This list is limited to 500 items.
Click on the sale you want to look at.

If a parcel has sold more than once

All of its sales will appear in a list by themselves.
Click on the specific sale that you want to look at.

Information displayed about the sale

Parcel number(s) -- click on it for details
Address and map area
Most recent photo -- click on it for a larger photo
Date of sale and total payment
House condition, height, base area and year built
Height and base area of additions
Lot size
Miscellaneous comments
Click on the BACK button at the top of your browser to find another sale.

Note: Only sales judged to be "arms-length" are listed. Sales with known associated circumstances that might cause them to misrepresent market value are not listed.